Ginger & Jill | ADOPTED
Muted brown tabby. Domestic Shorthair.
Ginger is a silent observer of the cat forest. She is the shyer one out of the bonded pair (bonded with Jill). Ginger takes it slow when it comes to trust and we don't blame her. She is hesitant to come to people for pets, but she will sit and watch you while you go about your business. She will hiss sometimes if you push her boundaries too hard, but she won’t swat or bite. Deep down she's a very sweet, soft lady who just wants love and we’re hoping we can help her open up and learn to trust people. She enjoys the company of her sister and some of the older, calmer cats in the forest.
Birthday: February 23, 2021
Brown Tabby. Domestic Shorthair.
Jill is a calm and collected little lady. She is the more confident and friendly of the bonded pair. She enjoys long naps and can sleep through pretty much anything. She won’t necessarily come to you for pets but she is always receptive of them if you approach her. She also seems to enjoy being brushed and will even continue sleeping peacefully while you brush her. She is like a little teddy bear that just wants to nap and people watch!
Birthday: February 23, 2021
Ginger and Jill are a bonded pair that must be adopted together.