Boonda | ADOPTED
Boonda is a grey domestic longhair cat. He lost half an ear to frostbite, but that only improves his rugged good looks. He's probably the best cat in the world (no exaggeration). Boonda is exceptionally good at giving you massages. He's got the perfect touch! Boonda is one of the most affectionate cats we've ever seen. He's so open and relaxed with everyone right away, that he shows off his belly within 2 minutes of meeting you. He likes to purr in your ear and rest his fluffy head on your shoulder, like a good ole friend. Boonda is a big fan of lounging around and snuggling next to you, but he does get bursts of energy where he's eager to explore his surroundings. Boonda would do fine with other cats or kids but we aren't sure about dogs.
Birthday: March 1, 2021
Weight: 5.1kg